About our Dealing with Difficult Customers workshop

Front-line workers often face great challenges when dealing with customers or internal clients that can be difficult or hard to communicate with. They must do this through a very high standard of service. In the public sector, these workers are the face of State, and so this high standard is ever more essential. The well-being of those that work in the public sector is also important. In knowing how to manage stress and how to remain calm and positive, attendees can not only help keep the customer happy, but also ensure they are not negatively affected by their work.

Effective and efficient communication is key. This workshop builds skills and confidence in dealing with tough situations involving customers. Attendees are given a step-by-step guide to handling them. By exploring behaviours, by challenging your viewpoint and by learning to but calm but assertive, attendees can build their ability to help customers while maintaining organisational goals and up-keeping the reputation of the State’s departments.

Upcoming Dates

Did you know?

PAI offer all of our courses as In-House programmes. For more information, see our page on In-House Training.